Hiring to paint a house may be expensive for some homeowners. Therefore, many individuals prefer to do a home paint makeover themselves or hire untrained personnel. However, persons unfamiliar with the painting job usually commit mistakes. Such errors include painting too much at one point or too little. They also tend to spend a few bucks on art tools like roller covers, brushes and much more. 

Therefore, here are some of the painting tips to assist an inexperienced painter in avoiding some of the common mistakes experienced: 

Paint sheen.  

One must know there is a basic rule of thumb flow when choosing paint sheen that is the higher gloss. A higher gloss guarantees you of more durability. Experts suggest flat paint as the best choice; it leaves lesser brush marks. A semi-gloss or full gloss, on the other hand, requires maintaining a constant wet edge. When choosing a paint sheen, it is critical to consider the area you are painting. 


Roller cover.  

A roller cover is cylindrical with pile fabric covering secured to the cylindrical core, invented to save time during painting. One must know and keep in mind quality roller over is sold is never sold in packs of in packs of three or six. It always comes as a single item at a price of around $10 the best quality made from lambskin or sheepskin as they also come in different thickness and choice, depending on the textured surface to be painted. Research shows that with a quality roll over, you can paint two to three lines before you have to dip your roller in the paint again. 


The price of paint. 

The painting price usually counts a lot since it determines the quality of the paint. Therefore, when choosing the color for the interior of a house, there is no need to spend more than $20 per gallon. The price of various paint Home Depot falls between $17 and $20. Alternatively, one can just visit any retail shop, buy the exact brand, type and the same price range with the help of a trained assistant, and achieve perfect results. However, if you purchase a paint that is too cheap to cut down the expenses, it may not cover well, and you will need to apply three or four coats on the walls.  


Painting brush.  

When choosing paint brush, there is no reason to be so economical in the name of cutting down expenses. It is hard to work with cheap brushes, as they do not hold paint, making it impossible to paint a straight line even if you are an experienced. Purdy is the best recommend paintbrush brand. 

The painting processes.  A person painting must know that one needs to start with a paintbrush, rather than a roller. A painting brush does a perfect job in the following areas: 

  • Lines between the ceiling and the wall.
  • Around outlets and window jams.
  • Around the trim of doors, baseboards and corners of the room.

Then one can apply the paint with the rollers in lines between as the final step. 


Cutting a straight line.  

With a help of a tape try to paint straight line between the ceiling and the walls. One can achieve perfect results when doing so in smooth surfaces since rough surfaces encourage color bleeding. 

The second coat. In most informal occasions the first coat cannot come as perfect as expected, one must not worry since the first coat of 96% of painting job requires a second layer.