Painting a house can be a challenge. Your average Austin house painter needs to have many years’ worth of experience to be able to complete any project. But one thing many people overlook that contributes to the success of a project is the equipment being used.

In painting, the equipment being used contributes to half the final result. High-quality equipment does not only save a lot of time, but it also results in a beautiful and desirable finish. Check out some of the most-used tools used in professional commercial and residential painting:

Paint Edger

A paint edger allows painters to paint along wall edges quicker and cleaner as opposed to using a paintbrush or roller. It reduces the need for outlining trims and edges with painter’s tape as it guarantees a straight line of paint.

Protective Eyewear

An Austin commercial painting contractor might say that painting the ceiling is a challenging task especially if you do not use the right gear.  Accomplish painting the ceiling without having to spill off paint on your face; thereby protective eyewear comes into play as it mainly involves switching new lenses after the first lenses have received paint marks. The gear is also useful as a timesaving tool and protects the Austin house painter’s eyes from the dangers that might accrue based on color effects in our eyes.


The nature of the wall and the details can at times, undermine the regular paintbrush based on the outcome of the painting g process. The angled paintbrush may cost just a little more, but it is very useful in painting detailed molding and cutting corners generating all the difference compared to regular painting brush. The brush is also durable when properly stored.

Mess-Free Paint Pour Attachment

Refilling and color transfer can be very messy when handled less appropriately. It is for this reason and conservation purposes that brought about the development of the technology.  Another advantage attached is that it does not cost much.

Handy Paint Pail

Paintbrushes run out paint during the painting project without necessarily one having to have cleared the painted area, which is a major time-waster in the process as having to move up and down to get the brush full of paint again. However, with a handy paint pail, one has to fill it with the color needed then moves along with it in the painting process. It saves time and energy a great deal.

Door Hinge Covers

A door hinges cover technology that helps to meet specific areas of door hinges and windows if present, so that paint does not get to them were developed. Originally and for most people, taping is still the norm but a major time waster besides being cumbersome. Hence, the door hinges cover is a great invention.

Paint Guard

Suitable for touch up projects that are small in instances when pulling out the tape is not required. Expose the intended color area by just pressing plastic or narrow metallic edge against the field of paint, revealing it. The guards vary in size and are efficient in terms of time-saving as well as energy.

If you want only the best painting results, talk to a professional Austin house painter from the Painting Pro Guys Austin today! We’re the industry experts in commercial and residential painting, so you can always be sure that your painting needs will be addressed. Give us a call anytime at (512) 865-6580 to get your home painting project quoted!