For many years, white-painted woodwork has been the trend in most residential interior, so much so that it’s practically a foregone conclusion. However, this is slowly changing: black woodwork is becoming more and more popular recently, and now bold hues and grays are making their voices heard as well. Whether you fancy this change or are looking for other trendy trim painting options, let these tips compiled from around the web be your guide and pick the one that complements your home and your personality. 


  1. Wood: Stained or Natural 

There was a time when many homes had stained or natural wood trim, but this style has fallen gradually in the last few years.  Normally, when you have wood, your conclusion is to stain it or leave it natural.  When your floor coverings are also wood, it can help you select which stain choice to go with. 

Not like the hoary notion, wood trim is not sacred.  Should you choose to paint it, don’t let anything stop you.  Fascinatingly enough, it is generally men who venerate wood. If you decide on making use of this application, you are making a choice to outline a room.  Think through if this is what you really want to achieve. 

With light wood floors, you have the option to select your trim stain to complement your home decor. To be effective, your wood trim doesn’t have to be dark.  Every so often, you see natural wood trim in more contemporary spaces where the walls are usually a light color.  

Hint: If you want to do a lofty kind of design, paint your crown the same color as the wall. 


  1. Same Color as Walls 

This application is often used in contemporary spaces or in rooms where there are multiple doors.  When you do this, you create a seamless look and the walls become the ideal place to display art sans all those lines you get with different color trim. If you got a more old-fashioned styled home and modern furniture, painting your trim the same as your surfaces will provide a contemporary appeal.   

Deliberating about chair railing or other paneled effects?  Instead of getting rid of it, paint it with similar color as the wall. 


  1. Colors  

If you are a person who adores colors, this might be perfect for you.  It also works great in kids’ bedrooms or playroom. Be careful though as this application creates strong outlines and can chop up your room. Some people say this adds energy as your eyes are always wandering. 

  1. Darker Than the Walls 

This is an excellent painting solution in some spaces. Choose a paint color that is approximately two tones darker than the walls when you paint your trim darker. This is a perfect application for contemporary homes or commercial spaces. 

  1. Black 

This is a bold solution for trim.  When paired with off white/white walls, it offers a crisp look that is serious and elegant.  Black looks just as good with soft gray walls.